Have You Done Your Wordle For the Day?

We’ve seen an abundance of games unveiled during the pandemic that allow multiple users from multiple households to play together, from Jackbox to Trivia, games via Zoom have taken over. Since January of this year, a new browser game has made it’s way to the forefront. It can only be played on a desktop or mobile browser, the creator of the game has said he has no plans of turning it into an app. If you happen to come across something similar in the app store, it’s a copycat game, and Apple has been removing them as quickly as they pop up.

If you haven’t heard of Wordle by now you’re probably wondering what all the fuss is about. Jimmy Fallon and the other 1.8 million people playing the game might tell you to figure it out in six guesses. A quick rundown of the game (which is really all it needs, this isn’t exactly rocket science) includes the following rules:
1. You get 6 tries to guess the correct 5 letter word.
2. After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show if you’re right, or wrong.
3. A tile that turns green, means you guessed the correct letter, and it’s in the correct tile.
4. Yellow tiles mean you’ve guessed the correct letter, but it’s not in the right tile space.
5. Grey tiles indicate an incorrect letter that is not used in the word of the day.
6. You can only play once a day.

That’s it! Give the new trend a try and see if your vocabulary skills are up to the test.

Play Wordle Now