McNee Solutions plan

Price is per location

Site Audit/Optimize Site

Manage your Google Business Accounts

Post a blog article to your web page every month

Update your site's content, H1, H2, H3 tags with keywords 

Manage your local map search profile, post articles and photos to your google and bing accounts

Manage your Digital profile accross 50 directories   Google, Bing, Apple, Yelp, Waze, and many more.

Voce Search Listing and Optimization: 

Uber Listing and Hot Button on site

Mobile Site Optimization

Foodie? We manage and post your menu to Trip Advisor.

Events:  Post your events to local maps and 75 directories

Review Widget for your site with filters for review ratings

Respond to reviews accross all platforms (Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc) from one dashboard

Directly send out review requests to your customer list, a group or a single client

Press Release posted to news outlets

Additional Landing Page with specific domain name (for example:

Setup and manage your PPC adversiting with Google Adwords, Facebook and more.

$100 in PPC or keyword adversiting included, you can increase this budget to whatever you need.

Contract Period

Post to Social Media Accounts, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn (Business) and Google Profile

SEO Premium


per month

Alexa and Google Home

Minimum 2 months, then month-to-month


Customer Review Pack


per month

Alexa and Google Home

Minimum 2 months, then month-to-month

Weekly via Feeds



per month

Min 2 months then month-to-month

Daily Via Feeds