Tag Archives: technology

How Many Websites Are There?

On August 6, 1991, British physicist Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Switzerland published the first ever website, the WorldWideWeb (W3). By the end of 1992 there were ten websites online and, after CERN made the W3 technology publicly available on a royalty-free basis in 1993, the internet gradually started to grow into the all-encompassing giant […]

Ranking The Top 100 Websites In The World

As a greater portion of the world begins to live more of their life online, the world’s top 100 websites continue to see explosive growth in their traffic numbers. However, as VisualCapitalist’s Nick Routley notes,  to claim even the 100th spot in this ranking, your website would need around 350 million visits in a single […]

Amazon Echo tells everyone in your house what you buy. This is how to make it stop.

Amazon Echo tells everyone in your house what you buy. This is how to make it stop.

You buy everything on Amazon, like birthday and holiday gifts. But do you want everyone else in your house to know what you’ve bought them? Of course not, and fortunately you can switch that setting off in the Alexa app. When you have a house full of people who talk to the same Echo Device, […]

Audi E-Tron Scooter is a funky electric skateboard with a handlebar

Audi E-Tron Scooter

Many urbanites don’t need a massively expensive way to be mobile, and Audi has just the solution for those folks.