Getting Reviews on Google

Getting Reviews on Google, SEO, Web design, web design company, SEO Lexington KY, website design, SEO services, SEO company

Reviews on Google provide valuable information about your business to both you and your customers. Business reviews appear next to your listing in Maps and Search and can help your business stand out on Google.

To get reviews on Google, encourage your customers to spread the word about your business by following these steps:

  1. Remind your customers to leave reviews. Let them know that it’s quick and easy to leave business reviews.  Customers can easily leave reviews on mobile devices or desktop computers.
  2. On your computer, open Google Maps and make sure you’re signed in.
  3. Search for a place.  For example here we searched for McNee Solutions. 

Google reviews maps

  1. On the left, scroll down and click Write a review.
  2. In the window that appears, click the stars to score the place. You can also write a review.

Rate and Review

  1. Your review will be visible in Google Maps until you take it down.
  2. After your review is published, you can edit what you wrote, or change the rating and pictures you included.

Your review will be visible in Google Maps until you take it down. After your review is published, you can edit what you wrote, or change the rating and pictures you included.

Reply to reviews to build your customers’ trust. Your customers will notice that your business values their input, and possibly leave more reviews in the future. You can also create and share a link that customers can click to leave a review. Create a link using the PlaceID Lookup Tool

To create a link using the PlaceID Lookup Tool:

  1. Use the PlaceID Lookup Tool
  2. Enter your business name in the “Enter a location” field at the top of the map.
  3. Click your business name in the list that appears.
  4. Copy your Place ID, which you’ll see beneath your business name.
  5. Add your Place ID to the following URL to create your link:<place_id>


Reviews are only valuable when they are honest and unbiased. (For example, business owners shouldn’t offer incentives to customers in exchange for reviews.) Read more in Google’s review posting guidelines.